School Gateway

Hillbrook Primary School

Be Responsible · Be Resilient · Be Reflective

Phonics and Spelling


Throughout the Foundation Stage and Key Stage One, our pupils follow a rigorous system of synthetic phonics which focuses on the technical aspects of using letter/sound knowledge to read and write words. We follow the guidance set out by ‘Letters and Sounds’ (a DFE publication) and use this in conjunction with a range of resources and texts produced by Read Write Inc. and Oxford University Press. 'Bug Club' online materials further support children and parents in reinforcing their phonics learning at home. Wider opportunities are given to apply this phonic knowledge throughout the day in speaking, reading and writing, in a language rich curriculum.


Spelling is taught progressively from Year 2 -6 in accordance with the ‘No Nonsense Spelling’ scheme.  Spelling rules and patterns are investigated, taught and practised in short 15-minute lessons three times a week and then applied within reading and writing.

Statutory word lists for each year group can be found by following the links below.

Year 1 word list for spelling

Year 2 word list for spelling

Year 3/4 word list for spelling

Year 5/6 word list for spelling

How to learn spellings at home