School Gateway

Hillbrook Primary School

Be Responsible · Be Resilient · Be Reflective


School Meals

Children have the option of eating a school meal or bringing in their own packed lunch. All meals are eaten in the dining halls, where children are supervised by lunchtime staff. Our school lunches are provided by Accent Catering and the food is cooked on site. More details about Accent's Primary school offer can be found here.

The three-weekly menu cycle meets the food and nutrient based standards for primary school meals.

Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 can currently receive a free hot meal through the government's universal meals scheme. Children in Years 3 to 6 can also currently receive a free hot meal through the Mayor of London's Free School Meal scheme.

For further information about hot school meals, please click on the menu below;

Menu - Spring Term 2025 

A Vegan menu is available on request.

Payments for lunches should be made online through School Gateway.  The office can only take cash in exceptional circumstances. 

School Meals

Healthy eating is extremely important. It can not only have an effect on physical development, but on pupil performance in the classroom.

Our school meals are cooked daily on site in the school kitchen where the kitchen staff work hard to provide meals that are both healthy and tasty. All meals meet nutritional food standards. There is a daily option of a salad bar and fresh fruit on offer.

School meals must be paid in advance with a minimum of one week’s payment.  The cost of a school meal is currently £2.40 per day or £12 per week.

There is always a vegetarian option available. However, if for any reason (religious or medical) your child requires a special diet, please let us know in writing and the catering manager will do their best to ensure these requirements are met.

We do ask that you maintain your meal pattern as the kitchen needs to plan their numbers in advance.  If you wish to change your child’s lunch choice you must speak to the office and agree when this can happen.

Packed Lunches

Children need a balanced diet with a good variety of food to ensure that all their requirements for growth and development are met. The standards met by the LEA contractors (Absolutely Catering) all meet with nutritional guidelines recommended by the government. For this reason, it seems only fair that we make every attempt to ensure packed lunches meet the same criteria. To find out more about what we expect with regards to children’s packed lunch boxes, please open the PDF document below:

 Healthy Eating Policy

Here are some websites which you might find useful when preparing a healthy packed lunch for your child:



If you want to find out exactly how healthy your child’s packed lunch is, you and your child can use this interactive tool:

Uneaten food from your child’s packed lunch will be returned to enable you to monitor consumption. If you are concerned with the amount of food your child is eating, simply speak to your child’s class teacher so they can direct our meal supervisors to keep an eye on them at lunch time. If this continues to be a problem, please do not hesitate to contact the school for further support.